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Legal Notice | Andy Goedert Immobilier
General terms of use of the website :
By accessing the website, the user accepts all the terms and conditions described below. As these terms and conditions are subject to modification, the user of the website is encouraged to consult them regularly.

Purpose of the website :
The purpose of the website is to present the company, its services and products and to offer real estate properties for sale or rent. All information, texts and illustrations are for informational purposes only.

Real estate advertisements :
The texts, descriptions and photos in the real estate ads published on the website are the property of the company. The user of the website is not authorized to use these texts and photos for his own purposes. The photos contained in the real estate ads are copyrighted and property of the company.
The rent shown in the real estate ads is not a fixed amount and may change depending on several factors. Therefore, there is no guarantee for a rental amount displayed at any given time. The user of the website is advised to visit the ad he is interested in on a regular basis to find out about the current rent.
The list of real estate ads is not exhaustive. The company reserves the right not to publish its entire property portfolio. Due to delays in updating properties might not be available anymore even if the user is still able to access the corresponding ad. Therefore, the company cannot guarantee the availability of the properties published on the website.
The user of the website is not allowed to copy real estate ads and to publish them on another medium (whether on paper or electronically) or on any other website.
Copyright and intellectual property
The design and the content of the website - including but not limited to company name and logos, texts, images, photos and / or videos, trade names, databases, products and slogans - collectively or individually constitute a copyrighted work and belong to the company.

Limitation of liability
The company makes every effort to ensure that the information displayed on the website is correct. However, content errors or a faulty display on the website cannot be completely ruled out. The company therefore disclaims all liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information displayed on the website.
The company disclaims any liability for the content of third-party websites linked to its website, for which the owners of these websites are responsible.

Legal framework
The website is subject to the applicable law in Luxembourg with the exclusive competence of the Luxembourg courts.